First Things First..

Let’s start out with one of my worst memories that I’ve had… my parents divorce.

Growing up i was always a daddy’s girl. Helping him build stuff like the deck, steps for camping, tables, etc. He taught me how to fix cars. I remember going around the house taking things apart just to put them back together. Maybe that’s why I was always distant from my mom.

Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love my mother. But her and I always seemed to but heads. Was it because I’m so much like my father? I was devastated when she told me that they were getting a divorce. I should’ve seen it coming. They used to be so loving and caring of one another. Then that all changed.

They started arguing all the time. Cursing, yelling, putting one another down. I remember trying to keep this all from my baby sister. We’re 6 years apart. I’ve always tried to look out for her, but it didn’t work. She knew everything that was going on and where it was leading.

I was swimming with my best friend, my neighbor who I’ve been close with since we were in diapers. I remember my mom coming out back and screaming at me to get out of the pool that were moving out and not living with my dad anymore. Maybe that’s why I resent her so much. She took me away. She broke up the family. She cheated on my dad with some scumbag.

Little did I know this was around the time her addiction started. Alcohol and prescription pills. We still saw my dad on the weekends. I hated living with my mother. I still do. My dad and I have always been so close. My mom’s so judgemental so it’s hard to open up to her. My dad is very understanding and will give his opinion but will let you make your own decisions.

I cannot wait to be out on my own. Because Christmas is less than 2 weeks away she keeps trying to do things with me, my sister, and my step loser. I’ve gotten out of it though. Saying I have to work late or I’m busy. I just don’t want to deal with it.

My depression started after we moved in with the step loser.. but that’ll be in a different blog. I hope you all are enjoying this so far. It’s gonna be a bumpy road.


  1. praeze · December 16, 2015

    Hey, Sorry to hear that. But we’ll celebrate Christmas together, promise. Keep on smiling dear life goes on. How are you?


    • dazedndconfused92 · December 16, 2015

      I’m good 🙂 and you’re absolutely right. I’ve gotten somewhat over it. Just kinda explaining some of the major point of my life. Because even tho it happened so long ago it still effects who I am and still figuring things out ya know. And I truly appreciate it. How are you??

      Liked by 1 person

      • praeze · December 17, 2015

        I’m good. My physics,chemistry,maths exams are over so I’m feeling so so good. 😉


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