Hectic Holidays..

Hey guys,

So I know that I said I was going to try and blog daily and then fell off the face of the earth. I apologize. A lot has happened that I will catch you all up on.

First things first. I stayed at my boos house for a week..so my mom was kinda pissed about that. But I helped his mom get ready for christmas and baby sat my bfs niece. His family became mine over this past week.

On christmas I received thee best present from my bf. A promise ring.. that was actually a wedding band set. It’s beautiful. So I put it all over social media because who wouldn’t! well, his ex gf, friend, whatever you want to call her commented on it and said “Thats awesome..” so me taking it as her being sarcastic, which everyone did. I responded with “isn’t it though” and she put “haaaa” so I said “yep” and then she was blowing up my bfs sisters phone talking about she usually over reacts but this time she isn’t and I’m a bitch and this and that. Now mind you, her and I used to be friends. She calls me and acts like she’s my best friend. So I called her to talk to her and as soon as she picks up the phone she starts screaming at me. Thats how you know she did wrong. So she’s like I don’t understand why you’re being such a bitch I did nothing to you and I’m happy for you guys. Im like listen, I know you lied to my face multiple times and that you were trying to get with him multiple times while you were with other guys. she said she had no idea what I was talking about and that she didn’t have feelings for him and that it was all his idea and she didn’t really care about him she was just entertaining his ideas. which is complete bullshit. So I kept my composure and called her out on all her shit. She told me I better watch my back and that she’s gonna stomp my face in and all this drama. I walked in the house and apologized to his mom and pop and their friend who stays with them and they all turned around and said I can’t believe you stayed so calm with everything she was saying about you. You completely handled yourself and don’t apologize because she deserved it. (Lemme just explain that their family was in love with this chick who did nothing but use them for their money, so having them stick up for me when his ex texted them all meant so so  so much to me!!!) They all bought me christmas presents and it warmed my heart I wanted to cry!

Why can’t people own up to their mistakes?! It was your choice..

I’m polish. My grandparents on my dads side came straight from Poland. Ever since I was a baby (and even before I was born) we had what is called Vagilia the day before Christmas. You make homemade Pierogies with the family and you have Blessed….uhh I forget the technical term.. but its like the stuff you get from church…The Blessed sacrament and the owner of the house will go around and talk to each person and break bread with them telling them why they are proud of them and what they hope the new year brings for that person. Since my Grandfather passed away a couple years ago it was my dad who would do it. Well this year my family basically canceled Christmas. This is why I was with my bfs family. We didn’t have Vagilia because my oldest sister was sick, yet she still went out. It broke my heart I was so upset.This brought out so many panic attacks. I felt like my family was falling apart.But with my bf and his family I got through it.


What was your holiday drama?
Do you have family traditions that you guys do every year??

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